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Perez Gallery – Celebrity Dolls

19 Oct

Some of these celebrity look at like dolls are a little scary but overall pretty fun.  check them out 🙂

Perez Gallery – Celebrity Dolls.

Jerseylicious Cat Fight – Face Spitting, Hair Pulling Fun!

18 Oct

Jerseylicious on the style network is one of my new guilty pleasures.  It is a show following the stylists and makeup artists of a New Jersey Hair Salon, The Gatsby.  Along with all of the cliche big hair, overly tan and overly accessorized cast there is a major grudge between two of the girls, Olivia and Tracy.

The two normally fight over dating each others ex boyfriends but this week it came to a head when Tracy went over to Sonic, where Olivia was getting a drink and basically attacked her, spitting in her face, hitting her in the head, pulling her hair etc.  Basically trashy girl fight…one of the best kinds to watch, add in the oversized accessories and weave flying all over the place and this makes for great TV.

Check out the show it airs on the Style Network on Sundays.

-Drama mama out

Adult/Couples/Maternity Halloween Costume Ideas

15 Sep

After my post a few weeks ago about kids Halloween costumes I got a request to do a post about Halloween costume suggestions and ideas for adults, couples and preggos so I decided to run with it.  The Most popular costumes this year will include Alice and Wonderland characters, Avatar characters and vampires a la Twilight Saga.

Adult/Slutty  – If you don’t want to be a “Slutty ________” then most online costume stores are not for you.  But if you do there are some really fun/sexy costumes if you have the body and money for them.  Some of my favorites include Rainbow Bright, Princess Jasmine and the Sailor but there are litterally 1000s of these types of costumes all over the internet…simply type Sexy Whateever you want to be” into a Google search and you will find what you are looking for. Also good news is that most of these types of places carry plus sized costumes now so if you are not a size 2, you can still look hot on Halloween.

I love the idea about really iconic costumes that people recognize put are not mass marketed, so you really stand out at a party b/c there is no one in the same costume.  I saw a cool costume for a Dharma Initiative Worker from Lost that was so great.  Making a Smruf/Smurfette costume would be really cute especially with the new movie coming out.  They have Smurf costumes online but they are kind of cheesy.  I also really like costumes that reference people from our generation would remember Doug Funnie, Rugrats, Wild and Crazy Kids etc.  can’t be originality

Couples – There are 100s of cliche costumes for couples, Ragedgy Ann and Andy, Salt and Pepper, Wilma and Fred Flinstone, but some of my favorites include really off the wall stuff, Doug Funnie and Patty Mayonnaise would be great.  I also saw some funny gay couple costumes, The Ambiguously Gay Duo Ace and Gary Costume is great and would be sure to get you noticed at your party Mario and Luigi would also be great.  Forrest and I were Sweeny Todd and Ms. Lovett a few years ago, we made our costumes but now they offer costumes for it.  I wore a  beer maid costume and carried a rolling pin and Forrest wore a pair of gray suit paints, a pirate shirt, black pirate vest, black wig with white stripe but the bloddy towel in his belt made the costume.

Preggers – Having a great costume for Halloween while pregnant is a challenge. There are the cliche items, Bun in the oven, barefoot and pregnant, pregnant nun etc.  I would suggest painting your stomach to incorporate it into your costume if you can.  Many sites offer maternity Halloween costumes if you must but I would suggest being creative and making something yourself.  Parents magazine has a great article with ideas and real life photos that are great for inspiration.  The “mother of pearl” is to die for. But some of these “costumes” could be done really easily and inexpensively.

Good Luck and Have Fun!!!!!

-Drama mama out

New Movie: Easy A

6 Sep

If you haven’t heard there is a new movie coming out  called “Easy A” its the story of the Scarlett Letter in high school.  Seems like a really funny concept made funnier by a girl helping out her gay best friend by pretending to have sex with him at one of the school’s biggest parties.  She is then subject  to ridicule by the school’s religious groups and “good girls”and asked to help out all other guys needing the sort of reputation “help” that she can give.

The main character is acted by Emma Stone who is this quiry red head who is really funny.  I saw her previously in “The House Bunny” which I thought she was hilarious in.  Amanda Bynes, who was allegedly retired, also plays in his movie as the religious biggot girl.  If you don’t know Amanda Bynes is hilarious.  Check her out in “She’s the Man” based on Shakespeare‘s “Twelfth Night” one of the funniest movies! Lisa Kudrow also plays a smaller role in this movie…and you have to know that she is to die for funny.

Although this is a teen movie I am pretty pumped about it.  I think its going to be super funny and an overall good time.  We will see! it open on September 17th.  Hopefully Forrest will want to see it after I picked out “Vampires Suck” last time. 😦

Check out the trailer below

-Drama mama out

Perez Gallery – Bad Celeb Hair

6 Sep

LOL….love this.  Brittney Spears is defintely a good candidate for this list.  I saw her in concert last year, twice and her hair is just tradgic.  You would think that her team would have this under control but they are really slacking on this one.

Perez Gallery – Bad Celeb Hair.

New Fall TV

3 Sep

As fall approaches  the excitement builds for new fall TV shows.  I am a huge TV junkie and one thing that really says fall to me is TV, along with pumpkin spice candles and Halloween of course.  There has been a real lack of promos on TV this summer for new seasons of my favorite shows and even promos for new shows…..where are the dramatic promos?

Returning Shows

Grey’s Anatomy -Last season ended with a dramatic 2 hour finale with a serial shooter on the loose in Seattle Grace Hospital, Meredith having a miscarriage and Derek being shot.  There should be loads to follow up on in the new season…it should be pretty exciting. The new season airs on Sept 23rd

Vampire Diaries – The last we saw Katherine (who we thought was Elena at the time) chop off her uncle’s ring finger in the kitchen….huge twist! I am really excited for this show to start again.  I read the books while the show was on hiatus and I even wrote about them in Vampire Diaries….So ready for them to be over but man was i disappointed at the books.  This has to be one show that I can honestly say the TV version is much better than the books.  Hopefully the new season will not disappoint.

90210 – The last I remember was that there was some major drama with Annie and her murder secret, other than that the season finale of this show was pretty forgettable.  This may be a show to drop from my list this year…time will tell.

Glee – Season 2 begins on Sept 21st and I am really excited about this.  Season 1 was really great and has to be one of the best shows out there right now.  I would even say that Glee is one of the best TV shows of its time.  I’m sure the new season will be just as fun, heartwarming and full of talent as the first season and this season will feature a Brittney Spears episode and John Stamos will guest star…how can you go wrong.

Dancing with the Stars – I have never really been a fan of this show but this season with Audrina Patridge, Bristol Palin, Jennifer Grey and more I may have to give in and watch….we will see.

New 2010 Premieres

Mike and Molly – This looks like a feel good happy go lucky sitcom about an overweight couple.  This will be something new for me as I haven’t followed a non dramatic sitcom in a while.  It will air Mondays on CBS and I am looking forward to the 30 minute format as that is something that you miss with dramas.

Lone Star – This show is airing on Fox Sept 20th.  Its about a con man living 2 different lives in Texas. Looks kind of interesting and different.

My Generation – This is the one that I am really excited for.  Its a drama about a bunch of people in their late twenties and what has happened since high school.  Read a full description about My Generation here.

There are lots of other shows out there.  these are just a few that I am excited to see and get into.  What new shows are you looking forward to?

Paris Hilton Adds New Mugshot To Collection! |

28 Aug

Snap…arrested for cocaine possession. Don’t these girls ever leanr? Her hair is pretty cute though 🙂

Paris Hilton Adds New Mugshot To Collection! |

Drake – Rap = Jimmy Brooks from Degrassi

24 Aug

Not sure how many people have ever seen the super popular Canadian teen drama Degrassi. Really great show, cheesy at times but actually deals with more “real life” teen issues than most American teen shows.  I found this show one night really late in college after coming home from going out.  We had a huge cable package with lots of channels that I wasn’t used to and I came across Degrassi on the Noggin network.

When I started to hear about Drake the rapper and I saw a video I was like “That is a Jimmy Brooks from Degrassi” Jimmy Brooks can’t be gangsta.

I like his raps I think they are solid and engaging but its tough for me to view him as a “real” rapper.

-Drama filled mama

LOL moment on Jersey Shore

17 Aug

I was watching Jersey Shore last night when i couldn’t sleep and honestly “laughed out loud” when Snooki knocks over the entire phone table while talking to her boyfriend.  One of the funniest things ever! Can’t find a video online to share 😦

-Drama mama out

DVF Gives Hospital Gowns A Makeover!

15 Aug

So awesome…been in the hospital twice now to deliver my two beautiful babies and hospital gowns are the worst…who wants their ass hanging out of an ugly ass thin gown that thousands of over people have worn…not me! Go DVF make a line for Women’s and Children’s something in solid colors, black would be great and flattering 🙂

DVF Gives Hospital Gowns A Makeover!.