Tag Archives: Jersey Shore

LOL moment on Jersey Shore

17 Aug

I was watching Jersey Shore last night when i couldn’t sleep and honestly “laughed out loud” when Snooki knocks over the entire phone table while talking to her boyfriend.  One of the funniest things ever! Can’t find a video online to share 😦

-Drama mama out

Snooki….trashy and tragic!

6 Jun

Ok so I just recently got into “Jersey Shore” All I have to say it is so hilarious.  I love all the hype behind this show and I think it is so funny b/c people hate on these Jersey shore people so much but you have to admit….they are super smart.  The cast is not extremely talented or good-looking people but they have found a way to capitalize on their lifestyle.

Snooki, the most talked about cast member looks absolutely ridiculous with her huge poof and crazy antics about Obama raising taxes on tanning to punish the Jersey Shore cast.  All I have to say about that it LOL!

I am excited to be a true part of this season!

-Drama mama out